Delivery & Return

Where do you ship your products?

We ship our products to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

What are the delivery methods?

You have three delivery options:

  1. Local delivery
  2. By mail
  3. Pick up in store

Please see our delivery page by clicking here for more information.

Shipping cost

  • Local delivery : we offer delivery costs from 120 CHF of order. For orders below 120 CHF, the delivery fee is 10 CHF. There is a minimum order of 50 CHF for this delivery method.

  • Delivery by Post: we offer delivery costs from 100 CHF of order. For orders less than 100 CHF, the delivery costs are 12.9 CHF. For this delivery method, there is no minimum order.

What are the delivery times ?

  • Local Delivery : You will receive your order at the end of the day if you place it before 10 a.m. (Monday to Friday). For orders placed after 10am, we deliver the next working day.

  • Delivery by post : You will receive your order within 24 hours to 48 hours.

For orders placed after 10am on Thursday , we will ship your package the next business day if your order does not contain fresh produce. Otherwise, we will ship your package on the first business day of the following week.

  • In-Store Pickup : We typically need 2-4 hours to prepare your order. Please see our opening hours. You will receive a confirmation email for collection of your order from our physical store.

Can I come back?

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the quality of our products, a returns service is offered. Please see our Returns page by clicking here for more information.

Can I order frozen products and have them delivered to my home?

To respect optimal hygiene for our frozen products, you can order these products only if:

  • You choose local delivery.
  • You opt for in-store collection

Can I order fresh produce (vegetables, fruits, etc.) and have them delivered to my home?

Yes, we send our fresh products throughout Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Payment & Refund

What are the payment methods?

At Hello Asia, we accept payments by:

  • Credit card
  • Twint
  • QR code
  • E-banking
  • Cash payment (only in our physical store)


In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the quality of our products, a refund service is offered. Refunds will generally be credited using the same payment method used for purchase.